There is one Board meeting per month, usually the third Tuesday of the month. All residents are invited to attend. You can find the dates and times on our Events Calendar. Please attend and get involved!
For any Association related concerns or inquiries, please email Allison Bale at

Term: May 2026
Amelia Adair is a retired attorney who moved to New Mexico in 2016. She and her husband fell in love with Eldorado. They enjoy hiking and biking, and purchased a barn at the Eldorado Stables for their two horses. Amelia began volunteering with the Eldorado Stable Committee in 2017.
Amelia practiced law for over 25 years in Colorado and Washington State, including 15 years in the community association industry, which includes representing boards of homeowners associations, condominiums, mixed use and master planned communities, and metro districts. She also spent five years in-house managing community associations for Quadrant Homes, a major residential homebuilder in Washington State. Quadrant appointed Amelia to the boards of its new community associations. She handled budgets and oversaw the hiring and firing of community association managers and other vendors, recruited and trained volunteers and board members and educated new community residents.
Volunteer leadership is one of Amelia’s favorite ways to contribute to her community. Over the years she’s served on the boards of non-profit organizations such as the Seattle/King County Bar Association, Family Law CASA of King County (WA), The Humphrey History Park and Museum (CO), Riding for the Disabled of Singapore, and the Lookout Mountain Crest Homeowners Association in Golden, Colorado, where she and her husband lived.
Amelia grew up in Colorado, received her B.A., magna cum laude, in Anthropology from the University of Colorado in 1986 and her law degree from the University Of Denver College Of Law in 1991.

Term: May 2027
I was born here in Santa Fe at St Vincent’s Hospital when it existed across La Posada. Because I had no choice, I followed my parents to NYC, where I was raised, went to high school, and eventually college in Maine. Oddly enough, even as a city kid, I always had a passion for the outdoors and spent several summers at an overnight wilderness camp in Vermont and then took off across Canada when I was 17 with a buddy traveling the road and hiking across the continental divide.
Though I was thousands of miles away from Santa Fe, I found time to return to New Mexico for summers at the Humming Bird music camp in Jemez Springs and almost every winter holiday for the last 40 years. For most of my adult life, I lived in Colorado Springs and Boulder, CO. In those 43 years, I took advantage of every Colorado adventure I could find. I was hiking, camping, downhill and backcountry skiing, white water canoeing, and most recently, horseback riding. It must be true what they say about New Mexico. Indeed it must have a magical draw for those who lived here as both my parents and my sister all moved back here in their due time. Two years ago, after I sold my business, the bug hit me as well, and I moved back to Santa Fe after we visited and fell in love with the Eldorado community. Since then, my wife and I have continued the adventure exploring every nook and cranny of Eldorado Preserve and Green belt areas. With my passion for the outdoors and nature, I recently became a Conservation Committee member, where I have just started to get my feet wet volunteering on some of the various trail projects. Wasting no time, I have already asked to be scheduled to give a presentation to demonstrate the virtues and possibilities of using Geographic Informations Systems (GIS) as part of the conservancy. I hope to continue to be a cheerful voice for the ECIA community.

Term: May 2025
Carol has an extensive background in accounting, starting with her student days at UC Berkeley where part-time accounting jobs helped pay for her education. She has worked as a consultant in Accounting Software, relying heavily on her knowledge to assist clients since 1998. She has served on two boards as Treasurer – a start-up Community Band in Cupertino, CA, where she grew up and the other was an HOA board in AZ where HOAMCO was eventually hired to manage the HOA. She feels strongly about supporting Eldorado by giving back and feels that being on the board is a great way of accomplishing that. She looks forward to meeting many more of her neighbors and learning what is important to the community. She and her two dogs are happy to be living in an area which has so much natural beauty and plenty of space around us.

Term: May 2027
Anne spent her childhood playing among the red rocks of Sedona, AZ, moved to Massachusetts for high school, college and graduate school, and then back to the Southwest in my 30’s. When Anne moved to Eldorado in 2002, it felt like finally coming home.
Anne has a Master’s Degree in Counseling and Consulting Psychology from Harvard University and worked in public, private and charter schools my whole career. She began as a school counselor with delinquent teens on the North Shore of Boston, was Director of Counseling at Phoenix Country Day School, followed by Head of School at Verde Valley School in Sedona. When she and her husband David moved to Santa Fe, she was an administrator at Monte del Sol Charter School for 7 years, followed by 10 years as founding Principal of The MASTERS Program Charter School on the Santa Fe Community College campus. As a retiree, Anne is a mentor for the NM State Charter School Coalition, where she gets to pass on the lessons she has learned to new young principals each year.
Anne cares deeply about this beautiful planet and enjoys working with others who are finding ways to reduce their impact on this earth, including Eldorado/285 Recycles, the Reuse Center, and the Beyond Plastics group. She is an animal lover (two older dogs & two new kittens), reads a lot, tutors teens at YouthWorks, and is on the Board of Directors of Monte del Sol and Rio Grande School. She loves to travel both near and far, and enjoys hiking around Santa Fe.

Term: May 2025
I have visited Santa Fe regularly since 1982. Moving to Santa Fe has been a goal of mine for many years. I initially begin searching for a home in Eldorado in 2006. Circumstances and life changes delayed those plans until we were successful in buying property here in 2018. We brought our home in Eldorado and started renovations. After two years of renovations, we finally moved to Eldorado in 2020 from Phoenix, Arizona. We are so pleased to be members of this community.
In my professional life, I am a professor at the Arizona State University School of Social Work in Tempe, Arizona. I have also worked at Washington University in St. Louis and University of Denver. I have held senior leadership positions at all three universities. My childhood years were spent in North Carolina and Ohio. I am a graduate of universities in Louisiana, Massachusetts, Colorado, and Washington. As an adult, I have lived in St. Louis, Denver, Colorado Springs, Phoenix, and Seattle. I have served on several professional, community, and homeowner association boards. I have always been an active member of my community and happy to serve as a member of the ECIA Board. I will use my years of professional and community experiences to support ECIA Board operations and contribute to the quality of life for my neighbors in Eldorado. This is a wonderful community and we are so happy to finally call it home.

Term: May 2026
Ken received his degree in Mechanical Engineering from Kettering University and his law degree from Wayne State University Law School, Detroit, Michigan. He is a semi-retired attorney who retains of-counsel status in his firm in Spokane, Washington, and Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho.
Ken started his career employed in various engineering duties as a design engineer with General Motors Corporation, Ford Motor Corporation and Chrysler Corporation in the Detroit area while attending law school at night. He then practiced law in Detroit until he moved with his family to Coeur d’ Alene Idaho. Ken has served as an officer and board member of several professional and legal organizations as well as court appointed organizations in both Idaho and Washington where he is licensed. Over several years Ken and his wife have visited and vacationed in New Mexico and the Santa Fe area until moving to Santa Fe, New Mexico in 2022.
Ken and his wife have four children and are the proud grandparents of eleven grandchildren. While their children were still living at home they hosted exchange students from Denmark, Russia, Yugoslavia, Germany, and Argentina. He participated in Coeur d’ Alene Youth Soccer as a referee and was a founding member of the Coeur d’ Alene Soccer Club serving as its first president. He served as a Trustee at North Idaho Community College (NIC) and as Board Chairman and Chairman of several presidential search committees.
We enjoy traveling and experiencing new cultures and have traveled throughout the United States and to European, Scandinavian, South American, Caribbean, and Mediterranean countries.
Ken enjoys fireside time, blue skies, starlit nights and being out-of-doors, reading, western art and woodworking. His interests are largely focused on history, biography, environmental and political issues.
Ken has always felt it an honor to contribute to his community and profession and looks forward to helping maintain and develop the special lifestyle and attraction of Eldorado.

Term: May 2026
Jim was born and raised in Bergen County, New Jersey. He is a retired educator who served as an elementary teacher in Kennebunkport, Maine, and Veracruz, Mexico. Upon completing his graduate studies at The University of Alabama, Jim became an elementary school principal in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, followed by an interim middle school principalship in Michigan, and an elementary principalship in Rhode Island. He was the Assistant Executive Director of the Massachusetts Elementary School Principals’ Association and served as a consultant to the World Bank, providing professional development in transformative leadership for K-12 public school principals and Ministry of Education personnel in Kuwait.
Over his 38 years in the field of education, Jim has made presentations to education and parent support groups on the inclusion of special needs students in regular education; School Improvement Teams and Accountability; and the Principal as an Instructional Leader. Jim also served a 3-year term on the Board of Directors of the National Association of Elementary School Principals in Alexandria, Virginia.
Jim and his wife, Patricia Bellart, had visited New Mexico in the past and were captivated by its unique blend of cultures. When they retired, they saw it as a perfect opportunity to live in and explore the American West – a region they had not fully experienced. The proximity to Mexico, a country that holds a special place in their hearts, made New Mexico an ideal choice for this new chapter in their lives.
Since moving to Eldorado in 2022, Jim has been a member of the Eldorado Volunteer Committee, and a volunteer with Eldorado/285 Recycles, and the ReUse Center, embracing the community’s spirit of sustainability and service.