Variance Request Form
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Purpose and Applicability
The ECIA may approve variances to the provisions of the Architectural Guidelines in accordance with this section. Variances may be granted to provisions regulating the size, location, height and appearance of structures; A variance shall not be granted to provisions that restrict the type or intensity of principal or accessory uses, including limits on maximum residential density.
Approval Criteria
(1) One or more of the following special circumstances applies:
(a) unusual physical characteristics exist that distinguish the land or structure from others in the vicinity that are subject to the same relevant provisions of the Architectural Guidelines, pre-existing non-conforming conditions that were not caused by the current owner;
(b) there is an inherent conflict in applicable regulations that cannot be resolved by compliance with the more-restrictive provision; or
(2) The special circumstances make it infeasible, for reasons other than financial cost, to develop the property in compliance with the standards of the Architectural Guidelines.
(3) The intensity of development shall not exceed that which is allowed on other properties in the vicinity that are subject to the same relevant provisions of the Architectural Guideliens.
(4) The variance is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land or structure is consistent with the purpose and intent of the Architectural Guidelines.
(5) The variance is not contrary to the public interest.
Conditions of Approval
Variances may be approved with conditions that will assure substantially the objectives of the standards or requirements so varied or modified and that are reasonably related to the approval.
Approval Limited.
A variance applies only to the type and extent of development shown on the plans approved at the variance hearing. All other development on the property shall comply with the terms of the Architectural Guidelines or shall require a new or amended variance.